Ascension Crystal Bowl Meditation & Chakra Light Healing



bowls            crystal pyramid

Ascension Crystal Bowl Meditation & Chakra Light Healing

September 27 7:15-9 p.m.

One Yoga & Wellness

405 Rt. 130 N., Lower Level

East Windsor, NJ


Many cultures recognize the importance of music and sound as healing power.  The practice of using sound to heal and achieve balance from within flows from the ancient civilizations of India, the Orient, Africa, Europe, and Indonesia and among the Aboriginals and the Amerindians.

Crystal bowl sound is a form of vibrational medicine which validates that everything in the universe is in a state of vibration.  When we include forms of visual light to the mix, the body,mind and spirit begin to naturally realign.  Feelings of being rested and peace occur.

Join us as we merge into the light, sound and ascension of higher vibrations and consciousness.

Bring a mat to lie on, water and and eye pillow if desired.  Wear loose comfortable clothing.  Bring a notebook or journal to record any thoughts or feelings that may arise.

You may preregister by calling One Yoga at the number listed above.

$20 per person preregister

$25 per person at the door

Looking forward to seeing many shining faces joining together  for vibrational uplifting.